it's been a long time since i blog...
A big hello to everyone!!!!i think i'm falling ill again...must be all the tapioca chips tt i had @ HM's place last fri (18/02/05)Went to hm's place to bai nian n had a wonderful dinner - e curry was very very good, fried bee hon was very good, green bean soup was super-duper good, e tapioca chips was e best! i luv it!all credit goes to hm's mum for being such a good cookok, maybe a little will go to hm for peeling e potatoes i ate so much n now i've good sore throat n block nose, those w green coloured mucus... yeeeeeee!!!!!choy, juz as u were complaining about e snow over there in swedeni'm complaining about e heat in s'pore. it is horrible!!max temp was fluctuating between 34 & 35 degrees this past few weeks i nearly died... normally a max temp of 32 degrees is enough to set us complaining n dodgeing into air-con roomsnow i dun even dare to step into e sun... horrible!!by e way i must not forget to thank choy for e precious moment pic u made for is so sweet of you, as alwaysalso not forgetting xuan, thank you for ur birthday wishes that u sent me every year w/o fail for the past 11 yrs. thank you for this wonderful frenship of 11 yrs so thoughtful of you, as alwaysto rou jun as well, thank you for sending me a sms personally to wish me happy birthdaythough it is a bit late but i'll never take it to heart coz what's impt is that we remember each other foreverso sweet of u as well, as always (i've been using e strap u made for us last x'mas, it goes well w anything)n last but not least, to all others - hm, bee, pee, joanna, jole, adel, mich for sparing their precious time to accompany me n celebrate my birthday.thank you for all the time n effortesp to hm for being the organizer all e time, for my birthday n as well as to her house to bai nian, thank you!ok ok, i think i very lo-sor...i think i will end e way to cf, xuan n rj, i'm teaching swimming now so i'm more than a little tan (coz of the stupid weather) n my shoulder is a bit broader, which is damn ugly. now i'm trying to swim w/o using too much of my hand, ie using a boardso tt's juz for updating u guys..cheers!take care!w lotsa luv, hugs n kisses*pIng*
Helsinki Cruise
My first ride on a cruise ship..! Went to Stockholm to get on the cruise boat to Helsinki, Finland...
The cruise departs at 1700hrs, so me and my roomie and my 2 hong kong friends went around to visit the FOC museums in the day.. hmm... royal coin museum, east asian antiques museums which got mummies in it(so spooky...).....
my virgin cruise ride!!!
It was amazing... the ship was like a mini shopping centre..!! never feel that i was on a ship.....!! visited the mini casino on the ship ah.. and it was so damn mini... with only one table roulette at work..... farnie... *absurd look*
Then, after 13 hrs of overnight cruising.... we arrived at Helsinki....
Hmm... gave me a feeling as if i am still in stockholm... haha.... and, the best thing is that they didn't stamped our passports cos we came from sweden... and pple who come from sweden need not stamp their passports... sigh... no finland passport chop... sighz.....
Cars at finland was cleaner and shinier than those found in sweden.. just a lame statement...
anyway, visited the museum of news and journalism there, not bad... better than what i expected.. then the white church was rather spectacular... very high up and very huge.... and the white is beautiful...
anyway, after a day at helsinki, we needed to rush back to the cruise ship to come back to stockholm...
the ride on the ship back was bad... we met with a storm, and the ship was shaking quite badly.. to think the ship is quite big.. and yet still shake... it must have been quite a bad storm.. and i tot i was going to die on the ship... haha... but i survived!! haha..
then, back at stockholm, we stayed for a night.. and the night we spent on a youth hostel that is on a boat..... interesting! so, we bought the stockholm card for 2 days... and visited many museums... we went to a mini fairytale land called junibacken.. still got their skansen zoo park with practically no animals left in the cold weather... the aquarium with a tropical rainforest which i liked cos of the heat... then got a toy museum which was inside a transport museum.. then their royal palace which is rather heavily guarded.. the vasa museum which has a 333years old once sunken ship that was retrieved back from the baltic sea.. that was the last museum i visited and it was the BEST!! the ship was so magnificent..!
and... it was the time to go home... on a train.. and it was so cool.. we got our own cabin for 4...! *grinz*
Happy 21st Birthday!
PING:Happy 21st Birthday!!!So sorry that me, RJ and CF couldn't be there... Hope that you will have a great birthday celebration w/o us.. Me and RJ really busy this week preparing for our mid-term tests this week. I have 2 papers to sit for and I think RJ have 2 or 3 papers.. The students here are really smart so even though we just need to pass, I think we seriously need to study hard for it too (Can't put sporeans students' standard to shame!) haha... Anyway, after this week will be reading week which is the Recess week!! We're heading for Vancouver during that week. The air tix alone costs us S$400 so it better be a good trip. Will blog some more after my papers!! CiaoZ*Xuan*
Temperature update as well..
forgot to update on the temperature..
in one day, the temperature dropped by 15 degrees.....
from 1 to neg 14..... in one night...
Temperature update as well..
KNEE-CAP high snow
Must tell you guys about the snow storm...
the stupid snow had been falling for 2 days and 2 nights non stop... it had been snowing since saturday at 5pm... huge storm.... for saturday and sunday.. barely can walk on the streets...
and the roads are piled with snow... AGAIN...........
i waited so long for the cold weather to turn slightly warmer(to 1 degree.. nt very warm though..) and for the snow to melt... i waited so long... patiently... for about a mth.... i tot spring is coming.....
and *poof*
SNOW and SNOW and SNOW....
Mr Snow, i know you are very beautiful and handsome... but STOP SHOWING OFF...!
I have had enough.
Then, to school was crazy lah... i only walked to the bus stop only, my whole jeans from ankle up till knee was covered in snow.,. and taking every step was crazy... dunno how deep in the snow i will be sinking into...
When will my spring lady come..?

Ping's Wedding Pic...
Happy Birthday, Ping!
Similar to Jo and Adel, I made a little picture for you..
And, in collaboration with Vday, i made you a wedding picture.... No matter who the lucky guy in the picture is, i just wish you happiness, love, and blessings be with you always.
Love ya lots,
yu sheng.... *slurps*
hey guys! it's e 7th day of cny today--- ren ri. so sad that we're not spending the day together to lao yu sheng.. =( cny has been pretty boring for me. cant reallie celebrate. we were nto allowed to go to my popo's house so we were roaming ard aimlessly on e 2nd day. super sian. luckily my uncle managed to persuade her.
aniway, u guys r coming back soon! 2 more months!!! it's reallie super weird withoout having u 3 monkeys around. but i'm glad to hear tt u all r having fun over things. experiencing new things.. share all ya stories with us when u come back k? =)
i cant update my blog or this one cos my lappie is down. super sucky rite? e sch comps r alwayz occupied. lucky i managed to grab one today. sorry....
choy: ya dream was super funny!!! can u imagine how hard i was trying to control my laughter juz now?? kao.. esp the part abt ping kicking the books outta the box 1 by 1 and the bookdrop part.... dun worry, i've already printed it out.. will show it to joanna when i see her. imagine her thunderous laughter man................ =P
tOtal DefeNce DaY!!
hey babes...
haha i'm hiding in my dark and scary staffroom now...
today the sch is hafing water, food and electricity rationing...
so no lights and fans in classes...
pupils will eat sweet potatoes and tapioca...
canteen not open so they bo bian got to eat watever we gif them... hahaha...
the classroom is like freaking hot can... i so big size somemore... perpiring like hell...
then even water got to be rationed... one pupils cannot fill their bottles more than 3 times...
LUCKILY the air-con in the Staffroom is on.... *phew*
ok la, going back to my hot like hell class... wif all my little devils...
A long time since i blog here..
Hmm.. want to share with you guys some places and events that i went to other than slogging my life here in projects... Anyway, side track a bit.. schools sux.. plenty of projects... every alternate day i have to meet up with one of my subject's project mates... then i still have to handle the other projects from 2 of my other subjects... how to enjoy my life(sleeping)?For the weekend, me, my roomie and 2 other girls from hong kong staying in the same hostel as me.. we rented a car and travel to a nearby town called Mullsjo to ski... My mother had forbidden me to travel in cars but there is no route to ski place except by car.. and that was what i told my mum.. And... it was supposed to be a 45mins drive.. but.. the road signs sux.. and we ended up in some other places... and it took us 2 HRS to find our way to the ski place... SKIING IS TOUGH!! And.. everytime i want to stop, i have to fall.!! (cos i dunno how to brake.. haha..) So, it's like you start to ski down the slope and u already have to decide which leg to fall on and to cause pain to.. Then, the ski shoes and equipment makes your joints so uncomfortable and easily sprained... and yes, i think i hurt my thigh... There was this point of time where my ski went a bit too fast down the slope... and i am SO SCARED... so, i decide to fall... then, i was thrown in such a way that my feet are on the left side of my body, and my thighs are in front, and my body was tilted to the very left... anyway.. it was awfully painful!!!! Ok, enuff of the discription of the fall.. anyway, i went one side to rest.. and build snow man.. but, think skiing experience is rather fun.. except that proper braking should be learned b4 skiing... heeThen my sundaysame four of us drove to another town called savsjo.. to look for a place called the bodaborg.. you can check out their website at ( it's in swedish.. haha.. but, you can try clicking ard to see the pictures..)Bodaborg is actually a big house with many many rooms in it.. every single room has a problem that you need to solve.. upon solving each room, then the next room door will unlock for you to enter.. in a team, you have ONLY 2 mins in each room.. if you failed to solve within 2 mins, you have to start all over again.. it's fun..! Then my CNY...i miss the food in singapore.. all the new year goodies.. especially bah kua.... i stayed up on the CNY eve.. cos supposedly if you stay up for the night, your parents can live longer.. i dunno of it's true.. but... hmm.. ok.. then, i web cam with my family and relatives... my whole entire big extended family.. when i saw my grandma.. i sobbed a little.. i miss home... i miss my family.. i feel so away... then, on the actual day, me, my roomie and the 2 hong kong girls organised a new year gathering at our hostels, there were 10 people!! got 1 other singaporean, 3 koreans, 1 australian and 1 hawaiian...! we prepared dishes and a mini steamboat.. but it really MINI..! with only about 6 foods to throw into the rice cooker aka steamboat.. haha.. but, at least, it makes me feels less lonely..then, today, which is friday, i went to another asian gathering.. it was organised by a korean professor(which i only know after i got there) ... we just got notified and invited by the koreans who came to our gathering.. anyway.. they were really nice people.. they prepared so much korean foods for us.."! spicy though.. tasty still...! hee.. will upload the photos later... cos i need to get them from the other sources.. cos i dun have a cam... had been in a clique of 4.. me, my roomie, and the 2 hong kong girls.. they are really nice and funny.. makes me feel that i have friends.. (sounds pathetic eh?!)Anyway, take care all.. i miss all of you SO MUCH!CF
Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy Chinese New Year babes!!!!!!!!!! Just turned 12 am here in Kingston and it's officially the 1st day of CNY here! Really miss home now coz there's no chinese new year feeling here at all. None of my fave CNY goodies at all. haiZ.... Have to make do with that. So u guys enjoy CNY k? take care!!!
A v big HhhhEEELLLoooooooooooooooo to all~!
how's everybody doing lately? muz be enjoying all e cny goodies n busy collecting ang-pows rite? =D
as for choy, xuan & rou, having fun touring towns? ;p e picts in all yr blogs n those uploaded here are beautiful!! keep 'em coming in!
check out the tag-board at the bottom of the sidebar on e right! specially created so tt we can all drop our tags with misses n comments when u visit.. ;) is e colour okie? leave a tag if tiz ice-blue happen to be yr most hated colour.. ha i'll consider pink v soon!! =D
XIN NIAN KUAI LE to u babes in advance!
eat more, enjoy the hols.. n may all ang-pows come rollin' in.. *woo hoo!
Hey babes! Sorry for such a long delay. I have finally uploaded Adel & Jo's photos. Well better late than never right? Enjoy the pictures!
Originally uploaded by huan min.STEAMBOAT!
Originally uploaded by huan min.
Originally uploaded by huan min.
Originally uploaded by huan min.
Originally uploaded by huan min.
Originally uploaded by huan min.
Originally uploaded by huan min.This is damn scary. hahaha.
Originally uploaded by huan min.
Originally uploaded by huan min.
Originally uploaded by huan min.
Originally uploaded by huan min.
Originally uploaded by huan min.
Originally uploaded by huan min.Adel's one.
Originally uploaded by huan min.Jo's present
My dream last night...
I dreamt of you guys last night... Must be the chinese idiom, " ri you shuo si, ye you suo meng".. For the benefit of those who not too cheena.. it means to dream in the night of something you keep thinking about in the day.. so.. wanna let you guys know you guys are always thought of and just wanted to share the silly dream with you.. * grinz*
And, do note that there is no special preference of anybody.. remember, dreams make no sense after all... ;p
First, it started from nowhere... i was suddenly dropped into some big pool of water.. SPLASH!
Then, when i managed to be slightly conscious, i was in the water fountain of a shopping center, and next to me, drenched, was ping, huan min and michelle. we decided that we need to change our wet clothes, so we decided to go steal clothes and change in the fitting room. we discussed abit on how we got here, and huan min said we were kidnapped and thrown here.. as a prank of some form..
we took clothes and changed in the fitting room.. but, when we were changing, together in one room(the NPCC style). Suddenly, the room, or rather the box, started moving..
We looked out and saw that it was actually a box and it is being moved towards a hole in the ceiling..
Books were dropped into the box that we are in!! On us!! Then ping kick them out of the box one by one..
Then the box move again...
Then we saw the word library.. and the box stopped.. The door opened and Ah bee stood there:" why are you guys in the book drop box?" where are all my books? My students need them!"
Sensing something amiss, the four of us quickly ran out of the library..!
Then, we ran past the carpark and i saw someone that looked like joanna standing next to a lorry. I walked near and saw that it was really her!!
I pulled ping, huan min, and michelle to the lorry to meet with joanna.
Joanna was so shocked to see the 4 of us!! " Why are the four of you here? I was planning a surprise for you(CF)!! Look!!" As joanna points towards the big lorry.
And..... on the lorry sat Jolene, Adel and Pee!!
So happy and surprised!!!
Hmmm.... so..... where is roujun, xuan and bee?
Roujun and xuan are in canada......
And bee? Haha.. she's in the library loh... hahaha....
Take care all....